Frequently asked questions about VeganWelcome

Hotel search and booking

How can I book a vegan or vegan-friendly hotel on VeganWelcome?

Vegan Welcome understands itself as mediator between hotels with vegan offers and guests, who are searching for accommodations with vegan kitchen. On you find therefore an extensive listing and description of hotels, which provide also for vegan guests. By clicking on “Reservation request” you can inquire each accommodation directly on In addition, you will find the contact details of all listed accommodations and can thus address all questions regarding the desired booking directly to the hotel. A binding booking via is not possible.

How can I tell whether a hotel offers vegan food?

On you will find hotels that offer exclusively vegan food as well as accommodation with mixed food and additional offers for vegan guests. Under the menu item “Find Hotels” you can browse the entire hotel offer and view the detailed hotel offer in the accommodation description.

Are there also hotels that offer meat as well as vegetarian/vegan food?

On you will find hotels that offer exclusively vegan and vegetarian food as well as accommodation with mixed food and additional offers for vegan guests. If you are interested to view more exclusively vegetarian or vegan hotels, we gladly refer you to our partner site

How do I know if the hotel still has rooms available? lists and describes vegan-friendly accommodations from around the world. You have the possibility to filter your vegan holiday by theme or destination and thus plan it individually. Room availabilities can be requested either by clicking on “Reservation request” under the respective accommodation description or directly at the hotel website.

Where can I see the room price for my desired date?

Please ask for the current prices for your desired date with a non-binding booking request or by visiting the website of the respective hotel. For the correctness of the information on, in particular the prices, Vegan Welcome takes over no guarantee. The non-binding price information on shows the price per room or per person. However, the exact pricing is up to the accommodation operators and can be inquired either on the website of the hotel or via a non-binding booking request on

How can I limit the search for a suitable VeganWelcome hotel and/or a vegetarian-vegan travel theme?

You can find a suitable hotel for your holiday in a vegan-friendly hotel under the menu item Find Hotels. Here you can search not only for travel destinations but also for specific travel themes such as city breaks, beach holidays, winter sports and long-distance travel. Yoga, wellness and detox as well as vegan gourmet holidays also find their place on our site as a separate search category.
All relevant hotel details (e.g. exclusively vegan and/or gluten-free meals, guidelines for pets, etc.) can also be found directly under the hotel description in the individual sub-sections.

Where can I find more detailed information about the hotel guidelines (e.g. arrival and departure times)?

All hotel guidelines can be viewed directly on the hotel’s website. Alternatively, you can also contact the hotel operators via a non-binding booking request and address all questions regarding your vegan vacation directly to the hotel. The contact details can be found under the hotel description on

Hotel facilities & services

How can I tell if the hotel equipment is organic or vegan?

Under the description of all VeganWelcome hotels, the hotel’s offer is clearly summarized in sub-items. From this list you can see, among other things, whether special care products as well as room equipment according to organic building principles are part of the hotel concept.

Can I take my dog with me to the hotel?

Under the description of all Vegan Welcome Hotels, the accommodation offer is clearly summarised in sub-items. From this list you can see, among other things, whether pets are allowed.

Can I also book a package tour on VeganWelcome?

At the moment we offer accommodations of various categories and with a varied vegetarian or vegan food offer. Please see the accommodation description for information on available meals and other hotel offers. Arrival and excursions have to be organized independently.

Can I view hotel ratings and submit them after my trip?

On we present accommodations with vegan offers from all over the world. Reviews cannot be viewed or submitted on our site. You are welcome to send your questions and/or feedback directly to our hotel partners.

Culinary delights

Are there also hotels with full board?

At the moment we offer accommodations of various categories and with a varied vegetarian-vegan food offer. Information about the available meals and other hotel offers can be found in the accommodation description.

How do I find accommodation with gluten-free offers?

Under the description of all Vegan Welcome Hotels, the hotel’s offer is clearly summarised in sub-sections. Among other things, you can see from this list whether gluten-free products are on offer.

How do I find hotels with raw vegan products?

Under the description of all Vegan Welcome Hotels, the hotel’s offer is clearly summarized in sub-items. From this list you can see, among other things, whether raw vegan food can be offered.

Do I find on VeganWelcome also fasting cures?

On you will find under the menu item Find Hotels the category Wellness/Detox, which lists numerous accommodations with fasting cures. On our partner site you can also search for fasting cures.


How can I subscribe/unsubscribe to the VeganWelcome newsletter?

You can subscribe or unsubscribe to the VeganWelcome newsletter here.

© 2025 Vegan­Welcome® by VeggieHotels® — vegan friendly Hotels and Bed & Breakfasts with a reliable range of vegan food options | Legal info